
Economy of United Kingdom

          Empire that “does not let the sun go down” is the term used for some overseas empires in history, especially England. It deserves this term, which expresses power due to its profound effects on all areas such as economic, political, and science in world history. When it is evaluated economically, the first thing to be said is the industrial revolution and the colonial concept. Because Britain is the first country to realize the industrial revolution in Europe. The industry started in England in the second half of the 18th century with the operation of rich coal deposits. The British, who needed raw materials after the Industrial Revolution, searched for raw materials in all over the world, and filled the vacant place where Spaniards are kicked out. Britain’s major source of income has been trade since ancient times. Therefore, since the raw materials from colonies and backward countries were processed and sold to these countries, the eco...

Supply Chain Management in Covid-19 Outbreak Environment

What is Supply Chain? The supply chain or logistics network is the name given to the entire systems of organizations, people, technology, activities, and resources that cover the movement of products or services from the supplier to the customer. In the process of supply chain activities, natural resources, raw materials and components are turned into finally products and delivered to the end customer.  Within the whole of the relationships and links that form the Supply Chain, there is a movement towards suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and final consumers.  Theoretically, in the supply chain system, used products can re-enter the supply chain at any point where residual value recycling is appropriate. Each link of this chain follows each other regularly. Similarly, we can say that Supply Chain has certain stages in terms of business processes. Valuable processes such as production, stock management, material supply, distribution, sale...

Change Management in Organizational Cultures, Case Study in University and Covid-19 Example

          Organizational culture expresses common values, beliefs and ideas of the members of the organization. When The founder or founder groups, will take the first step of the organization's establishment and its culture, the employees and the external environment also contribute to the formation of the organizational culture. When the organization is considered as an individual, the concept of culture for the organization is equivalent to the character of the organization. As every person has a unique character of his own, organizations also have their own character, like individuals. Some questions need to be answered to better explain the concept of organizational culture. For example, how is organizational culture preserved? In other words, if the organization consists of individuals, can new individuals change the character of the aforementioned organization? The answer will be 'they cannot change it'. Because, the people who will join the organization...

Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin Hukuki Statüsü

Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin Hukuki Statüsü         2020 yılı itibariyle Türkiye sınırları içerisinde başta İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir1 olmak üzere ‘Büyükşehir’ statüsü taşıyan toplam 30 il bulunmaktadır ve bu iller Türkiye’nin 7 bölgesinin tamamına dağılmıştır. Şehirlerin resmi, hukuki statülerinin farklılaşmasının temel sebepleri arasında şehirlerin nüfusları, fiziki yerleşim durumları, ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeyleri gibi birden fazla öncül yer almaktadır, fakat demografik ve ekonomik sebepler baskın olan öncüllerdir. Çünkü, büyükşehirlere bakıldığında, bu şehirler hem nüfus hem de sosyal imkanlar konusunda bir ülkenin merkezi konumundadırlar. Bu metnin konusu ise ülkelerin merkezi konumunda olduğu varsayılan bu büyükşehir belediyelerinin kuruluşlarını, organlarını, yönetimlerini, görevlerini, yetkilerini, sorumluluklarını, çalışma usûl ve esaslarını araştırılması ve açıklanması üzerine kuruludur.   Bilindiği üzere büyükşehir belediyesi s...

Financial Developments and Economic Growth

INTRODUCTION  From an economic perspective, it can be easily said that if a country has financial developments associated with financial openness, economic growth directly exists in that country. Although this approach is true theoretically, in practice, example of Turkey prows that this approach does not reflect the truth exactly. The phrase "exactly" must be underlined because almost all of the economic laws are based on the assumption of "ceteris paribus (when all other situations are constant)". Therefore, when talking about a country's economy, it is necessary to take into account the unstable situations, too. Researches show that every country that takes liberalization steps in finance, gets an intense flow of money to its country in the short term, but if a country is not ready for this flow of money, it causes deeper crises such as deflation (deflation is one of the simplest examples given in this regard and intense money in the environm...

Forex Markets

Glossary of Terms  • Spot: The current price of a financial instrument is called a spot price. The price at which a financial instrument can be sold or purchased immediately. Buyers and sellers create the spot price by placing their buy and sell orders.  • Commodity: Commodity is the name given to all of the agricultural goods such as gold, silver, oil, natural gas, copper, cotton, corn, wheat, sugar, and coffee which are the subject of trade. This is called the purchase and sale of goods Commodity Exchange market is carried out in 133 pieces and Turkey Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Turkey has attached commodity exchanges. Factors affecting commodity prices include seasonal changes, natural disasters, economic activities, supply and demand. Traders who want to invest in commodities should follow the effects of these factors and they should contribute to making the right investment. Although commodity products are usually traded in futures mar...

What Is The Role of The State in Promoting R&D Invest and Increasing Growth?

                                   Economic Growth refers to an increase in the productive capacity of an economy as a result of which the economy is capable of producing additional quantities of goods and services. Normally our standard of living is measured by the quantity of goods and services available to us so that economic growth is synonymous with an increase in the general standard of living (Palmer, 2012). The growth of a country's economy and the achievement of national development have positive effects in many areas in terms of education, health, happiness and well-being of an individual living in a nation. The environment in which these effects can occur is not an environment where only private enterprises can be described as 'without state' as it is supposed in states that adopt the liberal economy. In an economic enterprise, including liberal economies, government bodie...