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Hz. Muhammed Temporal Lob Epilepsi Hastası mıydı?

Hz. Muhammed dünya tarihine bıraktığı izler bakımından en etkin insandır (bknz: Micheal H. Hart/ Dünyaya Yön Veren En Etkin 100). Tabi, söz konusu kitapta Muhammed'in kutsal kitabı kendi hevasından yazdığına dair iddialar bulunsa da bu Muhammed Peygamber'in bıraktığı izleri görmezden gelmelerine neden olamamıştır. Bütün bunlara bakıldığında böyle etkin bir liderlik gösteren peygambere tarih boyunca onlarca mesnetsiz eleştiri, dezenformasyon ve suistimal gibi kötü niyetli yaklaşımlar uygulandığı da bir gerçektir. Çeşitli batılı sözde araştırmacıların ve natüralist ateistlerin başını çektiği bu dezenformasyon rüzgarının bir örneği ise Hz. Muhammed'in Temporal Lob Epilepsi hastası olduğuna dair iddialardır. Çeşitli kaynaklardan alınan sahih hadisler anlama noktasında dezenformasyona uğratılmış ve sahih olmayan bazı hadisler ise bu iddia sahiplerinin yardımcılarından biri olmuştur. Öncelikle hadisler hakkında fikrimi belirtme gereği hissediyorum. Hadisler dini anlama noktasında

Finansal Okuryazarlık: Sosyal İtkiler

    “Finansal okuryazarlık; paranın nasıl kullanıldığını anlayabilme yeteneği ya da kişinin finansı anlayabilme becerisi olarak tanımlanabilir. Kişinin parayı nasıl kazandığı, onu nasıl yönettiği, onunla nasıl yatırım yaptığı (onu nasıl çoğalttığı) ve onu başkalarına yardım etmek amacıyla nasıl bağışladığı, finansal okuryazarlık kapsamındaki konulardır. Daha spesifik ele alınırsa, finansal okuryazarlık, bireyin tüm finansal kaynaklarıyla bilgi sahibi olarak, etkili kararlar almasını sağlayan yetenek ve bilgilerdir.” Wikipedia’nın finansal okuryazarlık kavramını tanımladığı bu paragrafa bakarak Türkiye şartlarında görülmesi olası olan yoksul kesimlerin finansal okuryazarlık seviyesini daha iyi değerlendirebileceğime inanıyorum. Vereceğim örnekte ise yoksul bir ailede finansal okuryazarlık bilgisinin aslında hangi sosyal itkilere dayandığı daha iyi anlaşılacaktır.        Türkiye şartlarında yoksul olarak sayılabilecek bir aile düşünün. Bu aile doğu kültüründen gelmekle beraber, her ne ka

The Relationships Between Exchange Rate, Financial Crises, and Foreign Capital Investments in the Turkish Economy

   The main reason for countries to liberalize their capital accounts is to achieve economic growth. However, in case of failure of economic policies, hot capital investments such as portfolio investments become difficult to control. Because of this, due to the rapid mobility of foreign investors with hot capital, these capitals can move suddenly. Thus, when the movement speed of hot capital is added to the wrong implementation of economic policies, in case of a shock in the economy, these capitals can leave the country with a sudden movement and cause financial crises. For this reason, the benefits and losses of foreign capital flows should be investigated and necessary measures should be taken. Thus, together with financial liberalization of hot capital movements in and out suddenly exposed in Turkey, the balance of foreign currency distorted and rather dragged into a structure having weak economy further it said that shake the Turkish economy entered into crisis. In this case, Turke

Why and How The Global Crisis Occurs and Spreads Through The Structure of The Financial System

     Severe fluctuations beyond the acceptable levels on goods, services, production, foreign exchange prices, which are accepted as the basic building blocks of the economy, are called as economic crisis. The term financial crises is a recognized term for a variety of situations, such as financial institutions or the sudden loss of the majority of assets. Many financial crises in the 19th and early 20th centuries are related to bank panics and the coincidence of economic recessions. Other situations called financial crises often erupt from stock market crashes and other economic balloons, cash crisis and governments' failure to meet their economic obligations. Financial crises directly result in the loss of assets on paper. They do not directly affect the real economy unless they continue with economic recessions or depressions. The financial crisis is a common problem in international markets, especially after the financial liberalization in the 1970s and 1980s, and it means high

Causes of Inflation Crises in Turkey Within Historical Perspective, Inflation Theories and Different Disinflation Policies

Turkey, a country which has been struggling with high inflation figures throughout its history. The periodically implemented development plans, economic measures, economic decisions did not help weaken the chronic course of inflation, and inflation reached triple digits in the 1994 crisis. In 1960-1970, only in 1967, it reached double digits with 13.97%, except for this year, inflation was kept in single digit. Between 1970 and 1980, the level where the unfavorable course of inflation increased and one of the highest inflation figures in history has been reached. Inflation figures, which reached 20% a year after 1970, declined in 72 and 73, but reached 94.26%, with a hard and high macro imbalance until the 1980s. Although the level of inflation was decreased by 37% and then 29% after the January 24 Stability Decisions, the positive effect of these stability decisions did not last long and inflation started to rise again. Inflation, which reached historical levels (105.22%) in the econo


Abstract   In the last 25 years, many developed and developing countries have adopted financial rules in order to eliminate or limit the budget deficit, reduce public debt and thereby improve the quality of fiscal policy. Fiscal rules are one of the basic tools of ensuring fiscal discipline and macroeconomic stability ( Karakurt  and  Akdemir , 2010).  Fiscal policy, which refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence macroeconomic conditions such as total demand for goods and services, employment, inflation and economic growth, is based on the ideas of John Maynard Keynes.  Thus, a government can use an expansionary fiscal policy by lowering tax rates to increase aggregate demand and increase economic growth during the recession. Additionally, it may follow a contractionary fiscal policy in the face of rising inflation and other expansionary symptoms.   In this study, the importance of achieving permanent improvement in economic growth and financial balance an